November 17, 2006

Google beats Yahoo … in Halo2

Posted in Category: Games — Amr Awadallah @ 12:10 am | link | | comment (0)

I saw a couple of blog postings on CNET news and Web Pro news about how Yahoo beat Google 163 to 157 in tennis (you can see the source blog posting here and the photos here).

This reminded me of an Xbox Halo2 showdown between Yahoo and Google in early 2005 (I did not even have a blog back then). Even though Yahoo was defeated, I will still blog about it, because frankly we got smoked, which is proof that not all Google employees use their so-called 20% time to “invent” new things, some of them use that time to practice Halo 2 instead ;).

These are the scores and links to the score sheets on

Googlites, you up for a Gears of War showdown ?


— amr

PS: I have to admit that we cheated a bit, in the last match that we won (our only win), I called in the help of a close friend of mine who does not work for yahoo, however I am not sure all of the Google team did indeed work for Google either, they were just too good to be casual gamers.

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